Cosmonomic Theory of Conscious Harmony
What if our Creator gave humans a superpower? That superpower is certainly not speed, strength or flight. Animals and birds put us humans to shame in bodily capability. How about our minds? We have invented AI which can beat the best humans at any mind game. And all of our new ideas and inventions are essentially planted in our minds by some unseen and greater intelligence over which our minds have no control except for which to be a clear channel.
Our superpower is the human ability to reconcile apparently contradictory ideas, feelings, and forces. In more scientific terms, humans have the power to counteract entropy. Common science says everything returns to its lukewarm and amorphous state and yet here are humans growing in understanding and complexity over time.
Chaos, randomness, and accidents do not rule us but the study of these periodic departures from harmony can reveal the operational mechanics of entropy while the study of negentropy always leads to there being some unseen, even mystical state of conscious harmony pulling us into states where chaos and randomness and accidents cannot enter. Cosmonomics is founded in part around the human ability to re-stablize a system that has been de-stabilized by some outside force.
An old, and now gone, friend of mine, Terrance McKenna called this force of negentropy “the strange attractor at the end of time” like a magnet pulling us into a pre-determined end state. I agree there is an attractive force combined with a repelling force coming from and returning to something called the zero-point. The zero-point is the entry and exit point for this reality of conscious harmony, also called third force, the reconciling force or love.
We can see how soap (alkalinity) and acid (acidity) can both entropically disassemble matter but who can see what assembles matter? It is easy to see how accident and corruption disassemble complex organizations but who can see their restoration of order and harmony? Are the needs to eat, procreate and discover enough of a force to evolve the human organism?
Where do worship, brotherly love, and childhood innocence come from?
Cosmonomics tracks the life cycle of the primordial energy/substance emanating from the zero point at the center of the human heart, its division into a multitude of forms, its method of storage within the biosphere, and its reconciliation and reconstituted use of this primordial substance. The entry and exit point is the zero-point at the center of the human heart and if one were forced to put a name on the quality and feel of this substance it would be called conscious harmony.
Take water for example. Two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, that separately burn as rocket fuel together are bonded by a force whose life cycle essentially rules this world. Water is the storage device and vehicle for the third force that is the foundation of all life.
Electricity is free floating electrons assembled into a potential flow that can only happen with a ground to pass through. Electricity can also carry information but requires the flow of a receiver in order to pass the information. Electrified water is the carrier of life.
We are surrounded by and made of the Great Mystery. Water and electricity are just two examples. A third example is conscious harmony. Many thoughts, feelings, and sensations can swirl around our sacks of electrified water which coalesce into some level of self-awareness. Our sense of self is our own manufactured vehicle which carries us to the doorway of Eternity but the roadmap and the homing beacon is conscious harmony.
As we approach zero-point we must reconcile our own personal wounds and experiences to continue the attractive force allowing our entry. We surrender self and recreate the conscious harmony of union with God or the primordial substance or whatever you want to call the Great Mystery behind the zero-point.
Babies and puppies still freshly innocent after their recent emergence from the zero-point remind us that the theory of conscious harmony must really be hard-wired into every living thing. How we let ourselves fall so far in cycles from our internal knowing and grace is part of the design and testing of our human superpower. Division can only create a world, reconciliation must organize and redeem it.
God is the ultimate investment banker. God always wins because the game is rigged. There is only one doorway and time is an illusion that pays interest. The currency of the Real world is conscious harmony.