Law and Justice

I feel I have laid out a sufficient ethos of bioadminsitration with its siblings of cosmonomics and citadelization to open a discussion on one of the thorniest topics, law and justice.  Over twenty years ago when I first started applying the theory of bioadministration to our human world, I saw how the harmonization of our internal immune system with the administration of external law and justice would be a powder keg.  It is in these deeply unconscious contradictions that hide our most powerful and dangerous transformations.  Reconciling the human immune system with our justice system will bring up powerful issues. Gird yourself. Here we go.

The first taste of the deep disharmony between the inner and outer world came when I studied the human spleen and it being the home of our macrophages, aptly named “big eaters”.  As the blood moves through the veinous system back to our heart it passes through the spleen.  The spleen is essentially a bundle of many small tubules which creates many narrow gauntlets through which everything flowing through the bloodstream must pass.  Think of the many windows manned by immigration officers at airports and border crossings.  The checking of identification and purpose and health of an entrant into a country is handled inside the bloodstream by passing through the spleen guarded by these macrophages.

Where an immigrant or visitor can simply refuse to travel across a border, the bloodstream is a single country with a periodic internal adjudication of appropriate identification, purpose, and health.  And if an individual cell does not pass muster then the job of the macrophage is to consume the alien or the no longer useful cell.  Sounds like North Korea or Nazi Germany with death camps.  And therefore my incentive to go back to the drawing board of bioadministration for years is to find my own peace with what bioadministration would force humanity to face.  Its purpose. 

I went on a long journey of discovery leading to my creation of the science of cosmonomics, the human place and contribution to the cosmic ecosystem.  Truths hidden deep in our collective psyche emerged.  Humans are not at the top of the food chain.  Humanity lives inside the body of God.  God needs some energy that humans naturally create.  That “food” most often involves harvesting the fruits of human life through death.  Every culture on the planet has a story of how a ritual death of the most innocent “appeases the gods” from the virgin maiden thrown into the volcano to Christ being crucified for God’s forgiveness of humanity’s sins.

I cannot encapsulate my entire journey of cosmic discovery in a single blog post and I have led us far enough off-topic.  To return to the harmonizing of law and justice inside and outside of the body, I saw, as one story, the life cycle of a single red blood cell as a microcosm of a human having a productive life and death.  The red blood cell carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide.  The human in the awake and asleep cycle carries memory and sensation between the material and spiritual world.  Upon the death of the red blood cell, the memory and essence of its life, bilirubin, is carried to the liver for the production of bile.  The bile salts are the neutralizing force that allows fats to be assimilated into the body.  Upon human death, the story of our life is reconciled into the neutralizing force, that restores harmony inside the greater body of God.  That is one high purpose for which we humans were created and how we serve Life.

Living and dying to serve a world created by Adolf Hitler or a North Korean dictator is a sad and erroneous way to fulfill a human life…and the greatest devils know and use our instinct of service to seduce us to their miniature and devolved image of Eternity using a corrupted law and justice system. Don’t worry there is a special place in hell for the hungriest soul collectors. Nothing is wasted.  And God’s law and justice in the material world and the spiritual world is always, eventually a win-win proposition.  The world built by humans is where we get to see and correct errors, or, temporarily believe we have fooled God.

So where some will see how radical bioadministration might appear at first look and compare it to the traps devils have laid for humans in the past, I see the discovery, and yes, the forcing upon humanity the question of purpose as an evolution of life on Earth. ‘What are we living for?’ is a question each human should confront as often as any and every choice.  And exponentially especially so as the number of other humans affected by that choice grows. Conscious erroneous choices negatively affecting many humans should have as immediate and swift elimination as practiced by our internal immune system.  And if we are living off the largess of a system with socialized medicine or corporate subsidies then running a legitimate gauntlet that might pull the plug on your continued existence based upon your fulfillment of valuable purpose is fair.  And if that threat of regular inspection forces a regular and routine self-inspection of life purpose then that is a beneficial forcing function to apply fairly and equally.

We have only scratched the surface of the long and difficult road of harmonizing our law and justice system with the incredible purpose, fairness, and ruthlessness of our human immune system. Both should maximize the health and life of the whole organism which it serves.  Auto-immune disease and the Roman Pretorian Guard show that the organism itself cannot solely depend upon a specialized force to impose law and justice without even greater safeguards.  There is so much to consider and safely apply.

If you are shocked by the natural consequences of forcing a conversation of purpose upon humanity, I have been there too. How shocking was facing human slavery? How shocking is the environmental disaster daily being manufactured in China for our benefit?  How shocking to be born and raised in North Korea to the true purpose of humanity? I have invested decades on both sides of every boundary and often risked facing Eternity without my ego defenses to have, hopefully, tasted the zero point of the reconciliation of human and divine law and justice.  Now, my divine blueprint of law and justice is the body of knowledge and purpose we live within designed by the Nature we inhabit.  My purpose is love of Life and its Creator.  

I invite every ‘ism’, religion, and belief system to a harmony that may lead humanity to the wise and conscious use of division and reconciliation for the high purpose of a win-win partnership among humanity and with the cosmos.  We have many historical and current examples of cleaving human law and justice from the divine.  We have deep memory of how easily division descends from distinction into hell. Perhaps the hardest reconciliation and therefore the greatest gold lies in harmonizing humanity’s law and justice with Nature’s design and God’s purpose.  We should have that ability in our tool belt too.


Law and Justice II


Cosmonomic Theory of Conscious Harmony