Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Justice For All

When you go into the doctor for a check up, there is a standard procedure for checking the major biological systems.  Blood pressure and pulse.  Blood analysis. Body mass index. Clear lungs. Etc.  What kind of inspection would a doctor of civilization perform as a first look at societal health?  Of course, the supply and velocity of money. The cost and availability of goods will be huge tells.  Income distribution.  Malnutrition. Racial division and strife.  There are many tell tale signs of stress and disease.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Law, Harmony and Justice III

The strength and health of any sized human organization is determined by its level of reconciliation.  And reconciliation requires a zero point around which the mind’s truth and the body’s chi can serve with loving commitment.  Law of mind and justice of body must have a higher purpose to serve than a monarch, an oligarchy or a mob.  The best example of loving commitment creating a zero point of harmony within a human organization is father, mother, child.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Law and Justice II

It’s all the rage to claim a civil war is about to break out in the United States between the left and right.  We also have predictions and experiences across Western Civilization of revolts against medical tyranny. Before we panic, remember the ancient model of our Republic and subsequent Empire, the Western Roman Empire, experienced 150 named revolts and civil wars. And the Eastern successor of Byzantium had another 125.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Law and Justice

I feel I have laid out a sufficient ethos of bioadminsitration with its siblings of cosmonomics and citadelization to open a discussion on one of the thorniest topics, law and justice.  Over twenty years ago when I first started applying the theory of bioadministration to our human world, I saw how the harmonization of our internal immune system with the administration of external law and justice would be a powder keg.  It is in these deeply unconscious contradictions that hide our most powerful and dangerous transformations.  Reconciling the human immune system with our justice system will bring up powerful issues. Gird yourself. Here we go.

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