Law, Harmony and Justice III

The strength and health of any sized human organization are determined by its level of reconciliation.  And reconciliation requires a zero point around which the mind’s truth and the body’s chi can serve with loving commitment.  Law of mind and justice of body of the modern world must have a higher purpose to serve than a monarch, an oligarchy, or a mob.  The best example of loving commitment creating a zero point of harmony served by law and justice within a human organization is the child of a loving father and mother.

We have all seen families off balance with the father too committed to his law or a mother too self-absorbed in her needs or children with no confinement vessel for their emotions.  At the same time, the family unit has the most instinctual programming for the proper and harmonious role of the three polarities.  Each pole has a real, tangible need for a combined commitment to the organization to remain whole and in balance to function properly as an effective interface with the greater world.  The perfect citadel by design.

Another tripartite human organization was globalization as the child of the post-WWII neoliberal order.  The father was the Washington Consensus. The mother was the peoples creating products out of the natural world.  Although this child was energetic, not physical, the presence, growth, and health of globalization was the harmonizing third force and zero point of win-win cooperation between the previously dispersed and competitive law and justice systems.  This is not the time or blog with which to diagnose the sins of the father as being too ambitious, too corrupted, or just poorly executed, but it appears the family is breaking up and the world needs a new organizing principle of shared commitment.

As I previewed in my last blog on law and justice, my diagnosis for the restoration or the recreation of health within Western Civilization must establish a new zero point, a new purpose, a new child, and a new harmony we can all reconcile around.  But because we live in a three-body system harmony has escaped us in the modern age due to Western Civilization losing touch with one very important center of force and gravity.  Why are we here?  What is humanity’s debt and responsibility to our parental cosmos? 

Unfortunately, our worst examples of law and justice come from the priests being the interpreters for “God’s Will” for humanity.  The Enlightenment was a rejection of the Inquisition run by the priest class.  The scientific method and human progress were enshrined as the zero point of law and justice.  But that child is now grown and not so cute now that its commitment to itself has no concern for resource depletion, environmental degradation, and overpopulation.  With COVID, we have awoken to the fact that our law and justice system is again captured by a self-serving, self-dealing priest class of politics and science serving a false god of human power and control.

As dangerous as it is in a three-body system to abandon one zero point for a new, yet-to-be-discovered zero point, the old one is collapsing.  This is when the forces that created humanity and need our energy get most interested, perhaps competitive, in ‘helping’ humanity get reorganized. It is a confusing time and doubt opens the doorway to the unconscious realm, a doorway we do our very best to keep shut and locked. 

From the cosmonomic view, these moments of doubt and chaos are expressions of our deepest contradictions hidden in the unconscious being revealed and forcefully reconciled because the cosmos says it is harvest time on planet Earth.  If there’s going to be a tornado or a hurricane to sweep the Earth clean for a fresh dawn then step one is to release the trapped energy that will be reconciled in human suffering and death and evolve humanity’s new zero point.

What I am proposing is to bypass the conflict phase of this journey with my triad of bioadministration, cosmonomics, and citadelization as a predesigned, scientifically defensible zero point for the humans that choose to ride out the storm in the calm eye.  And the stronger the zero point is, the larger space it opens and the greater the opportunity for the least chaotic transition from the collapsing zero point to the new one. The central core of cosmonomics says we humans are the creators, storers, and reconcilers of an energy which our local cosmos needs to remain in balance, in harmony, and in life.  The conflict we are feeling is upon us, is not the fault of humanity, it is the need of our cosmic parents. 

At the new zero point of humanity, we will remember there is a debt to our existence which we must all pay at death, or in the spiritual journey we pay the debt in advance leading us to the calm eye.  In some ages, the creation of harmony and love is a human responsibility we must be forced into by the Devil’s pitchfork in our backs pushing us towards the forced reconciliation of war, famine, and pandemic.  What is also a possibility is the wonder-filled expression of life by following Christ’s path of radical forgiveness and reconciliation.  This can happen in church, sacred circles, ecstatic dance, sexual union, and even the ritual combat of a football game. The best-designed cultures institutionalize the routine cleansing of the unconscious and the ecstatic production of the reconciling force.

Here is our chance for the often chaotic reboot in the death and rebirth of human organization to easily flow into a new law and justice system centered on harmony.  Cosmonomics says there is a cosmic economy of which humans are a part and the currency we have to trade has many names. Love, harmony, third force, reconciling force, and neutralizing force.  We have instilled in us the coding for play, discovery, union, and creation.  It is our time and our opportunity to grow up and face the fact humanity is no longer a child that should be forced into painful and stupid ways to do what we were created for in the beginning. 

It is time for humanity to recognize the legitimate role of the Devil to create division. It is the responsibility of humanity to live with all the contradictions, feelings, and tensions of life on Earth without stinking the place up with our petty and ignorant judgments of life.  And when the cosmos comes calling for the energy stored in the biosphere to be reconciled into the neutralizing force, the humans that follow a Christ-ed path are the real superhuman cells in the body of God. Every human is designed to be their own Christ and savior, punching another hole in the sky upon death.

Here is our chance, humanity, to go vertical. We can add a new dimension to life by being in harmony with our parental and spiritual world.  We can reset the code of law and justice that places humanity in the strongest and most harmonious position.  Having a true purpose to serve also protects our law and justice system from abuse by the same weak human traits and painful memories of the past.  And, most importantly, we get to live in our Parents' greatest dream for life on Earth!  We were designed for the playful reconciliation of division. Let’s find and live the dream.


Atlas Shrugged Rewritten


Law and Justice II