Law and Justice II

It’s all the rage to claim a civil war is about to break out in the United States between the left and right.  We also have predictions and experiences across Western Civilization of revolts against medical tyranny. Before we panic, remember the ancient model of our Republic and subsequent Empire, the Western Roman Empire, experienced 150 named revolts and civil wars. And the Eastern successor of Byzantium had another 125.  

Ancient politics based on personalities became very physical, very quickly and often.  Today there is no less fighting over who gets to control the system of law and justice, but the wars and revolts are mostly settled by emotional election campaigns and mental jousting in the public sphere and courts of law.  Perhaps this is a more civilized way of settling real disputes and restraining megalomaniacs.  Does our own internal organization deal with internal disharmony at the mental, emotional or physical level?

In the first post on law and justice I reminded us how our own bodies maintain an internal effectiveness by routine testing for self versus non-self and harvesting of those cells no longer able to serve real purpose.  Similarly, as the first Mohammedans swept across the dessert they wiped out any and all non-self they encountered and questions of internal conflict were quickly settled by ‘casting lots’.  This game of chance settled disputes into two outcomes for the contestants, life or death. There was no chance of apology or reform. This was justified by the need to keep the internal core of the new religion in a razor sharp, fully reconciled state.  History shows this was extremely effective, if brutal.  A weather system organized into a tornado is internally reconciled and externally brutal. Our own bodies can be just as brutal when restoring health

Is there a direct correlation between the conflict and health?  Can different systems of law and justice keep conflicts as mental debates and prevent emotional and physical conflicts?  Is there a hidden cosmic mechanism  which triggers disharmony to “milk” humanity?  Yes to all three questions.  The reason humanity has been stuck in revisiting suffering is because we have a three body problem. Our leaders use every crisis as a ploy of further control, our Creator has needs for human conflict and death we are unconscious of and we peons swing wildly between rage and shame having been seduced into a complexity that cannot be turned off without collapse.  Three different forces from three different vectors disturbing or corrupting the peace humans crave.  What’s the solution in regards to law and justice? 

Our own mind, heart and body have faced this three-body problem for eons of time and found solution called modern man.  Bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization is the three fold system of law, harmony and justice designed from the blueprint our own mind, heart, body has evolved into. In contrast, historically our external system of law and justice has bounced between either the king (mind), the priests (heart) or the jungle (body) being our judge and jury.  None of the three alone can effectively administer law and justice.  We have way too many bloody and painful examples of each one taking its turn at leadership.  Can we try something that has not repeatedly failed?

To design an external system of law and justice we must start with the core truths of each center of power.  The body says “there is no free lunch” and everyone must serve or get out.  The heart says we serve a higher power even into the realms of suffering and sacrifice.  The mind says I have to have a story of what is true even if it is only true for me.  The win-win-win stable state to the three body problem has, so far, only been solved inside an individual human and a healthy nuclear family.

The human history of law and justice has recorded countless trials and errors of design.  Evolutionary history has had countless trials confined to a single organism with the errors dying and the successes living.  The end state of win-win-win harmony has been found within the mind, heart, body system.  The outer triad of state, church, people has emerged harmoniously for moments in time but have not remained stable for long due to the three body problem solution for the individual not yet being applied to the macrocosm.  

Evolutionary history has a law and justice system called Nature.  Hunger, thirst, tiredness, fear, aging, etc. all force lawful reaction and justice is inescapable.  Its two dimensional. Need and satisfaction.  Human history is three dimensional with the addition of the magical force of love, the gift and the responsibility of being human.  Law and justice without some understanding of the mystery and power of the third force of harmony is being blind to the spiritual dimension and leaves us with the law of the jungle and a politics of survival of the fittest ego.  It has proven to be a tough boundary to cross, incorporating the third, spiritual dimension into human organization when falling back upon the individual internal harmony of personal survival is so handy and proven.

Until we become conscious and incorporate into our law and justice system our Creator’s design of law, harmony and justice as represented by the human three body system, we will be ruled like animals or slaves.  A two factor solution can never solve a three body problem.  We must establish the third pole between law and justice named harmony.  As long as law and justice have no child or higher purpose to serve then it only becomes the tool by which we are controlled and enslaved constantly being fought over by humans living in only two dimensions. 

If I was asked to diagnose the current dis-ease of Western Civilization and proscribe a remedy to restore health and thriving I would invite both archetypes of the Devil and the Christ into the same room to hammer out for humanity a system of law and justice that puts their child, harmony, at the zero point of their perpetual dance.  The Devil (division) and the Christ (reconciliation) are as married as planting and harvesting. Putting our system of law, harmony and justice in alignment with our Creator’s need for the creation, storage and use of the third (third) force is paramount.

Weather is a diffuse chaos that, when organized around a zero point, becomes a tornado or a hurricane.  Until the zero point of harmony of purpose greater than individual satisfaction is reestablished within Western Civilization there will be no other restoration of organized force or direction.  It is inevitable that a new reconciled zero point will sweep Western Civilization like the Mohammedans swept the Middle East.  Who that will be is the subject of my next post.


Law, Harmony and Justice III


Law and Justice