Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomic Theory of Conscious Harmony

What if our Creator gave humans a superpower?  That superpower is certainly not speed, strength or flight.  Animals and birds put us humans to shame in bodily capability.  How about our minds?  We have invented AI which can beat the best humans at any mind game.  And all of our new ideas and inventions are essentially planted in our minds by some unseen and greater intelligence over which our minds have no control except for which to be a clear channel.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization Theory of Conscious Harmony

I have stated the fundamental force creating citadels is the desire to know thyself.  That is half the ideal. Often times among humans this is really just being lazy.  We might lock ourselves into our room and watch television. And as dysfunctional as this type of retreat from life can become, it is still based on the desire to create physical and energetic boundaries to be at rest and at peace even if we use it to give our attention to something that has none of our soul attached.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Bioadministration Theory of Conscious Harmony

Avoiding civil war can be a defensive strategy alone but is best paired with a positive goal.  Conscious harmony as a goal was the wordsmithing of a metaphysical author named Rodney Collin. And along my journey in life, I helped build a church named The Church of Conscious Harmony.  I always liked the name as a kind of low voltage shock every time I uttered it to another human. And the words conscious harmony in combination still carry the same current of energy from some human future we must eventually find or the words would have no transformative power.

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