Heaven and Hell in Cosmonomics

Most humans have a good idea when they have wandered or fallen into hell.  There’s no real study course or weekly meetings to attend for instruction.  Hell, death and gravity are relentless.  Just surrender your conscience to whatever shows up in your life or take a subway to the downtown of an American city at night and you will arrive quickly on or below the floor.

In reverse, climbing to heaven is a mystery we heavily invest in with slim results.  Sunday church, New Age drum circles, and transpersonal therapy are some of the many supposed doors to heaven we beat upon.  Any of these ritual methods can release a minuscule dose of anti-gravity (free sensation with no memory attached) like Jeff Bezos’ million-dollar sub-orbital bungee jump that lasts a few minutes. It’s a taste, not a meal. 

Let’s look at these words heaven and hell from a cosmonomics view.  And in this system of knowledge, everything is best viewed in terms of pure memory (sunlight) and free sensation (chi, life force).  The home of memory is in our brain and when the mind is remembering the pure light of God, that is Heaven. The home of sensation is in our gut and when we are full of sensation with no memory (no Self) that is chaos or hell.  The sun’s and our brain’s job is to assimilate sensations arising from the gut into attention and write the light into memory we call the self.  The home of sensation is in the gut and at the center of the Earth and its job is to break down any and all memory (light and food) from the sun into free sensation.  Brain and gut, Sun and Earth, heaven and hell are all built on the same model.

What happens when food too strong, rich, or alien enters the gut? Indigestion and vomiting.  What happens when too strong of solar radiation or cosmic rays enter the Earth? Earthquakes and volcanoes.  What happens when harsh memories get trapped in our minds, hearts, and bodies and will not surrender to recycling into free sensation?  Chronic disease, emotional outbursts, and old age.

Hell is holding on to memories that are being pulled closer and closer by gravity into death for dismemberment.  Heaven is letting go of bad memories, trauma, and disease and being temporarily expanded by anti-gravity (free sensation).  Neither heaven nor hell are places for a living human to avoid or hang out in any more than the surface of the sun or the center of the Earth are.  Heaven and hell are just metaphorical names for our own brain and our gut and the boundaries that contain and recycle the polarities of memory and sensation.  

The fastest way to get rid of a repetitive thought cycling in an endless loop in our brain is to force our center of attention into our gut.  Going to hell can set a stuck memory to die.  The fastest way to get control of yourself in an extremely chaotic burst of life is to bite or pinch yourself, hard, to concentrate the chaotic sensations into a focal point connected to your central nervous system and your brain.  Going to heaven is as simple as focusing all your sensations on yourself being contained within yourself.

Heaven is a recycling center turning every lesser memorized sensation into the pure memory of what most traditions have named God or Light.  The sun is that for this solar system. Hell is a recycling center turning every lesser memorized sensation into free sensation of what some spiritual traditions call chaos, ego death, and el diablo (the divider).  The center of the Earth with its magnetic field is the breaker of memory into sensation for the living biosphere.  Day and night are the extremes of pure memory and free sensation which flow back and forth as the positive and negative poles of the battery we live within.  Brain and gut are their own personal microcosmic recycling centers for each human.  Which means we all have a heaven and a hell inside from which we cannot fully inhabit nor fully escape or we will exit life.

Now after describing the extreme boundaries called heaven and hell and recognizing their value and necessity the question might arise “If there’s nothing more than a daily and temporary  escape in heaven and hell, how did my eternal soul get here and how do I leave?”  Through the center of your heart, the zero point.  True prayer and meditation and even what some call love and magic is the reconciliation of the original division of memory and sensation, what existed before light and dark or heaven and hell were divided. 

The individual human and the biosphere of Earth are batteries filled with mental contradictions, scars tissue, ego fortifications, and muscular contractions that cosmonomics calls memorized sensations.  The wounds we carry we might blame on the devil are a potential energy that when we apply the Christ and reconcile our hearts release the energy from which everything came, before the division. The highest calling of a human is to consciously suffer to re-member God on demand by surrendering a piece of our uniqueness and our separation from Oneness. This sacrifice can be through spiritual ritual or through death. Unfortunately, when our spiritual traditions are uninformed we surrender or die weakly, unreconciled, and force more harvesting through more suffering and death.

Cosmonomics views humans as living cells inside the body of God.  Like our own livers can store years worth of vital raw materials and synthesize thousands of complex molecules on demand to effect and catalyze change, humanity is our solar system’s most sensitive and complex organ. Humanity is storing vast quantities of raw materials ready to be released on demand by the greater life we are a part of.  

What humans blame on ourselves as history is humanity reacting to the needs of the body of God that we cannot see or comprehend in the same way our own internal organs must respond for the greater body to live. So do not get stuck in avoiding hell or seeking heaven.  Just visit at least once a day and night pure light and total dark. But set up your base camp as close to the zero point in your heart as possible.  Keep the doorway uncluttered and stay sensitive to the life around you if you want to see and hear God acting and speaking and to stay out of hell. 

Yes. We live inside the body of God.  And thank God there is no escape in heaven or in hell, in mind or in body.  The only exit is the doorway at the center of our heart, the price of admission is one part pure memory and one part free sensation and the password is “I re-member God”


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