Cosmonomics and the Three Body Solution

Perhaps now we can approach a core mystery of life on Earth as to why our three body system of mind, heart and body is so easily perturbed and how pain and suffering force us back towards the only exit…. to Eternity. That single doorway goes by many names. Harmony. Love. Third force. Reconciling force.  The Peace that surpasses all understanding.

The symbol of the Grim Reaper, as the face of death, is true if only seen in its darker aspect.  Jesus embodies the exalted human side of the death journey and how to face Eternity through radical forgiveness of everything and everyone.  There is a system and an organization to human life on Earth. And its harvest.

I once suffered and transcended my own “crucifixion” on a massage table.  We had a group of thirteen men.  One lying on the table and twelve using their 24 thumbs to apply maximum acupressure upon every pressure point of the entire endocrine and nervous system.  For hours.  The pain of every experience of life stored in the tissues of the physical body could not hide from the committed pressure applied by my brothers.  There was no escape for any of my stories and no place to run from the pain.  Except that one doorway into Eternity.  To get thru the doorway, the stored contradictions of Life are harvested by the Reaper, all pain is transcended and every cell in the body, heart and mind is flooded with Light.  I ascended.

This and many other journeys across the threshold of this reality have informed my understanding of how and why humans are designed like a perpetual three body problem with only one solution.  In my world and my experience, the Christ and the Devil are divine forces of reconciliation and division which humans act out at various levels.  Seeing beyond Good and Evil opened my eyes to human purpose and responsibility I call cosmonomics. 

Step one of a cosmonomic understanding is to accept humans are not just pets kept in a cage that God watches but you are an actual living cell inside the body of God.  Like all cells inside your human body, we each have a job to perform for the whole organism. Young children at play are the closest vibration to God’s frequency and need of humanity.  Mature adults are like batteries charged with contradictions we call ego and personality which keep us insulated from Eternity until such time as the cosmos and the Grim Reaper or Christ come calling.  

A fat cell, a liver cell, a muscle cell and a brain cell and the two hundred other types of cells that make a human are exponentially more complex than a simple three body problem.  And yet being alive is not a three body problem, it’s a two hundred cell solution.  As complex as the human organization is, it is simplified and harmonized by a single thing. Eternity’s call to harmony.  

We enter into life through this single doorway called Eternity by the first division, life and death.  We create layer after layer of separation from Eternity throughout our life by more and more division.  After enough stumbling around with our sack full of division and finally listening to our own conscience, we turn towards our true home.  Our Creator loves us as children fully embodying and expressing life.  Our Creator loves us as we run as far as we can away from Eternity exploring and creating every nook and cranny.  And our Creator loves us as we bring home the harvest of Life.

The mathematic solution to the three body problem has still eluded humanity because mathematics excludes magic.  Magic is the use of Laws as yet undiscovered.  One day cosmonomics will be understood as the mathematical solution to why war and famines come to harvest life.  Why the age of puberty changes with the culture.  Why the birthrate, planet wide, goes up and down together.  Why every culture has ritual cleansing of the spiritual body and why every culture has a mystery of how the ritual sacrifice of the most pure and innocent has supernatural harmonizing power.

Humanity has the ability to awaken to a conscious relationship with our Creator without the often abusive intermediation of a priesthood.  When we understand the role of the Devil and division and the role of the Christ and the reconciler and how we choose or are forced to play these roles, life becomes less of a mystery and more within our own power and control.  There is a debt for our existence in these bodies and on this planet.  Pay it willingly, consciously and you will find more and more love and harmony and authority as you approach the doorway to Eternity.  Or suffer in your separation. For lifetimes.  Your choice.

God wins in every scenario because that’s the way the system is designed.  With no real escape except the one doorway tuned to God’s frequency.  Time is an illusion that makes separation seem real to humans.  To God, we are in a playpen.  Earth is a safe place for the children to play and explore until those that choose to enter the whole world of Eternity, climb out by the power of love and harmony and commit to win-win service.


Bioadministration and Patriarchy


Citadelization and the Three Body Problem