Bioadministration and Patriarchy

It is very popular these days to beat upon and discard the patriarchy.  At the same time, humanity seems to be losing its mind, its internal father, in the three body system of a human.  Religion has shifted from honor of the Father to Devil and Gaia worship.  Governments are about to have to face a legitimacy crisis from borrowing more money than can possibly be repaid and no plan of self reform.  There’s not a realm or domain where the patriarchy is not in assault or collapse.  Inside or outside.

At the same time “running around like a chicken with its head cut off” is no solution.  There will be an order, there always is. Even if the disorder rises to “every man for himself”.  Anarchy, no rulers, is a patriarchy “where might makes right” and empowers masculine strength over women and children because each man makes his own rules and takes what he can.  So bashing the patriarchy just leads to there being no self restraint within the order of men.  These are the worst recorded times on the planet.

It is no wonder there is a shadow play of assault upon the patriarchy within the popular culture to attempt to balance an overbearing patriarchy that has systematically cut itself off from the natural rotation of power among the three centers of the human organization.  The excessive fears generated among the body of people since 9/11 has allowed the governmental mind to amass more control with the constant injection of cortisol to the emotional body through the mass media.  The internet with its overwhelming offering of information to feed the mind for its next dopamine hit is the latest addiction.  Fear and dopamine is the new mind control the body and the heart are literally dying to keep up with and balance.

So, if we assume that men will always have power, whether in single, small or large groups, then we must look for a way to restrain and guide the masculine world through different incentives.  Similarly, the human organism has no choice of abandoning the mind, only rest and discipline to nurture and guide it.  

Beating the patriarchy is impossible.  Shaming it is short-lived and only brings more trouble.  Seducing it works repeatedly, short-term.  And husbanding manhood gives it purpose greater than itself.  Just like the body and the heart cannot escape the mind, the body and heart are inescapable centers of power within the human organism the mind cannot escape from.  The key is for each center to play their strengths and harmonize with their inescapable partners.

Only the most troubled and fearful minds cannot surrender to sleep.  The original design and intent of representative democracy was to temporarily embody the mind of the people as representatives elected to a governing body.  There was never the idea or consideration to make it a career.  It was a penultimate duty of a few men whose main role in life was still as a farmer, father and member of his local community and therefore metaphorically put their power to sleep regularly.  Today, we have our political brain cells of our nation states as voracious eaters of as much attention and energy as they can possibly absorb and even violently reject any routine surrender of power and control.

The body’s sleep imposed upon the mind is fundamental to the health of all organizational  centers.  It is the the trillions of cells of the body that provide the sensation and attention to the senses and the brain.  And it is the body and the heart that most suffer pain for the mistakes of a tired or impatient mind.  The body suffers the tyrannical mind as well as the ignorant mind and its process of learning and feedback because it knows it gets to turn off the mind every night.  Sleep and the withdrawal of attention is a relentless power.  And combined with the heart, is a mini-grade school for the young mind in the single, lonely journey towards the unconscious.  The mind gets to remember the trust it can relax and wake up in the morning with the same identity and issues.  The heart gets a chance to speak as the mind grows silent about interactions during the completed day that have left a mark on our emotional body.  Sleep is a magical elixir no patriarchy can ignore or deny without crashing the system.

The other great tool for training, reforming and incentivizing the patriarchy comes from its guiding purpose.  Conscience and instinct are guiding forces which tie any patriarchy to its purpose.  True marriage and partnership provide great balancing to a man.  Fatherhood should change a man more than any other external force or internal desire. The way life, aging and death are organized on Earth forces men to need partnership and family to give purpose to life as we face our own mortality.  Eventually the restraint of old age and the strengthening of emotion as we approach our death make the young man’s quest for and use of the power to control seem childish.

Patriarchy is not our enemy any more than matriarchy or childhood.  Each is an inescapable part of life inside the body and within our civilization.  Only when each center plays their role can  the organization thrive whether the individual, the family, the tribe or the nation.  

Stop the shadow projections upon the patriarchy.  You are attacking yourself and supporting your own ignorance and chaos within.  You are also inviting in a dark patriarchy which is only kept at bay by the body and the heart serving the organization by wisely using their strengths.  Do you think you can judge your mind from outside your mind when all the mind knows is being the judge?

Rest and recreation.  Contemplation and creation.  The mind has no monopoly on intelligence.  

If you are going to “attack” the mind or the government, use the only “weapons” that have always ensured a win-win solution. 


Thinking versus Knowing


Cosmonomics and the Three Body Solution