Citadelization and the Three Body Problem

I recently made the case for bioadministration as the most human and fair way to organize humanity to bring harmony to our fundamentally unstable system.  Today we will look at the three body problem from a cost-benefit analysis to the individual cell and concentrations of similar cells called organs.  After all, a human is a collection of trillions of individual cells who have assembled into a single organization.  Was that an evolutionary mistake?

The goal of any win-win partnership is to enhance each component’s benefit through a commitment to a higher organization than can be accomplished alone.  We can imagine the original clumping of similar cells who could not eat each other reduced the surface area of attack and buffered the effects of the external temperature and solar radiation changes.  The first puppy pile.

Would any single cell of a human choose to return to the autonomy of single cell life?  Choice assumes consciousness and memory and imagination.  Where do those attributes come from? Certainly not within an amoeba.  Can any single cell make a choice to organize and arrive at an organism that has mastered the three body problem? It happened.  How is a mystery to be explored in the near future.

Citadelization is based upon self-interest and independent action, at many levels.  We rarely look at the mind as a citadel. Or the heart.  And yet their ability to act independently and with self-interest while surrendering to a greater system of delivering win-win is epically taken for granted by all humans.  The three body problem is beyond rational scientific solution and yet nearly every action of our life is wrapped up in this cooperation.

We all have moments or periods where the breakdown of citadelization leads to pain and suffering.  A ‘broken heart’, an obsessed mind and an addicted body are states of disease in each center which are the human version of the three body problem.  One center throws the other two out of order for a period.  Until two of the unaffected citadels gang up to reset the ‘solar system’.

Deep and restful sleep each night is the body’s citadel.  The ego wall around the heart is its citadel allowing hurtful reactions to be modulated and resolved internally.  The personality, built from mental programs of past victories and defeats in life, gives defensible internal dialogue to keep the ‘central sun’ citadel of our mind shining. When one center has a problem, the other two will generally wait patiently to allow for expression and resolution until such time as the life force of the entire organism is compromised.  

This core action of self-interest with the knowledge that the deepest self-interest is in resolving the three body problem, not just retreating into the one body citadel, is key.  A partner in a true win-win relationship knows its duty and responsibility to both suffer and to act in a dance that has yet eluded mathematical calculation called love and harmony.  

Celestial bodies have mass, inertia and gravity which interact in chaotic and unpredictable ways because there is no unity consciousness seeking harmony.  The single celestial body acts and is acted upon but does not have a commitment to a higher state of being we call harmony.  In contrast, the mind, the heart and the body all know, seek and surrender to harmony as the greatest prize of partnership and, in greatest self-interest, is worth their commitment versus the inherent instability of a three body system.

Eternity is a mystery which no single center can achieve or comprehend no matter what drug, yoga pose or understanding we use.  The mystery of citadelization is in better knowing thyself and bringing that self-knowledge as fully into partnership as possible, without knowing the outcome or why works best. The mystery is how self-interest and group interest become aligned.  One enhances the other.  Citadelization is unity.

Both bioadminsitration and citadelization make strong cases for how to individually resolve the three body problem.  But both presuppose the hidden third force.  Father and mother are exalted states of man and woman because they are both committed to Eternity through their child.  Bioadministration and citadelization can only be an exalted system of organization because there is some service to Eternity embedded in their creation.  

Cosmonomics and the three body problem, no, the three body solution is the next post.


Cosmonomics and the Three Body Solution


Bioadministration and the Three Body Problem