Love is a Magical Substance

In my last post on cults versus citadelization I touched upon love as a tool of manipulation and control wielded by another human we put above ourselves.  Cults almost always have a human leader that knows how to use love to lead the group astray from its human center, the true heart.  This can happen because love is a magical substance.

Imagine you are an alien observer sent to Earth to study the “natives”.  What you would soon discover and be baffled by is how life, beyond basic necessities, is ruled by love.  From romantic love to addictions, humans are relatively easily led by their impulses and desires to love and be loved.  Where an alien might think this is a weakness to exploit, which is certainly true, a doctor of civilization knows that humans are like domesticated honey bees that produce, consume, store and offer on higher demand an all-encompassing food.

The honey of the human cosmic commodity exchange is called love.  It has also been named by metaphysicians the third force, forgiveness, the reconciling force, harmony and the peace that surpasses all understanding. The name we will explore today is magic because we all know magic works both ways, white and black. Whereas most discussions of love tend to focus on the reconciling power of love and not its dividing power there is more to know and master.

In my book called The New Code, I wrote a chapter on the six laws of the three forces.  The one law that is most taboo to discuss is called the Law of Freedom because it is the domain of ultimate control reserved for God and abused by true psychopaths.  If love is the underpinning of the cosmic economy, which it is, then being able to steal it for petty human purposes must be guarded against.

The Law of Freedom uses the reconciling force to reinitiate a new cycle of life by division into opposition.  The subject is taboo because this is the domain of the Devil, el Diablo, the Divider.  And….until humans consciously understand their own devil within (and their ability to wield the power of the honey we ourselves make) then we will be repeatedly seduced by love from the heart of a human psychopath.

Remember, humans make the magical substance of love by the power of reconciling apparent contradictions within the heart center that is connected to the zero point, God or Eternity.  Psychopathy is the ability to override instinct and conscience to create an alternate zero point where love can be channeled and fed upon, by the psychopath.  This is a near-perfect description of the local economy from a small cult to a worldwide religion.  

These human exertions of worship create a vortex of energy in the psychic realm.  There is no risk to God because these are greater examples of citadelization.  A heavenly vortex of worship is analogous to a fat cell in the human body waiting for hard times to be harvested.  Similarly, love, even if given to a psychopath, is never lost, just slightly miscoded by a little devil practicing black magic. These vortexes of love with a unique signature (think spice) are like wheat ripening in the sun.  Sometimes a seed with a husk to carry it through a boundary of space and time is necessary.

I felt called to disabuse some of the negative understanding of the Devil in our reality.  The power to divide is sacred and under higher law than reconciliation.  All bees get to make the honey, but the beekeeper that gets to harvest on demand is a whole other order of being.  Even these petty psychopaths that start cults, the false teachers and priests that abuse their position are doing God’s work to prime the pump of worship and wonder.  Don’t think they are getting away with their betrayal.  The Devil is particularly hard on petty imitators.

That’s enough about the dark side to hopefully slap you awake to how you might be being manipulated and warn you off from stealing from God’s cookie jar.  Now a few words on white magic.  The Law of Freedom, powered by your own love, can change Eternity for you and your loved ones.  It is perfectly permissible to harvest your share of your own storehouse of potential reconciliation for good purpose.

The positive side of ritual, whether prayer, forgiveness or suffering, is when it is done with positive intention.  That way the love created through reconciliation has its purpose attached and cannot be easily hijacked by lesser gods or gurus.  A tribe in ritual ceremony with wise and humble guidance can easily bring the rains by surrendering their “sins”.  

Cosmonomics is the awakening to a conscious relationship with the cosmos and our place in it.  This involves taking responsibility for our product (love), protecting it from mass abuse by a few humans and learning how to use it judiciously to heal and to grow.  A golden age is not a utopia.  Heaven on Earth is only approachable when each human owns their own love and creative potential and does not allow it to be collected and harvested by anyone else except our unseen God.

Remember love is a magical force we all naturally produce.  To be your own sovereign individual is to remember how to use love and the consequences of its use.


Bioadministration World Order


Cults Versus Citadelization