Bioadministration World Order

Humanity is on a very long journey.  Together. Up until recently there has been no charts or maps to guide us except for the inner guidance that arises from within, called our conscience.  Our internal compass of conscience is extremely important and is the only reason we have attempted civilization at all.  But conscience is like a great silent partner that tells us yes or no at major decision points and debriefs us after action, while we humans are being compelled to lead ourselves into an undiscovered country…maybe a promised land.

There is little doubt we humans are best led by our hearts’ knowing.  We revere our grandparents who have made life’s journey with many scars to the heart and still live in a state of love and forgiveness for all.  And perhaps this is the human condition, by design, to perfect a few souls via the test of living decades in a fallen world without losing our innocence.  Perhaps.  But I am a father to four children and my God’s conscience has always told me that a parent’s gift to their children is the gift of playful innocence for as long as we can manifest it. Nothing can shake my belief in God’s wonder at life and vision of our perfection.

So on this long journey humanity is walking, our God given conscience knows how we will feel when we get there.  But it’s the lack of a map and it’s the fallen state we all must carry on the journey that keeps tripping us up.  Is there a way to get and stay on track?  We have tried organized religion.   The collecting and programming of belief is just as problematic in religion as it is in politics.  No, we need an indisputable map to lead us to a sustainable consensus and harmony. Enter bioadministration.

I regularly make the case for using the human body, heart mind organizational map for humanity I call bioadministration.  Today, I make the case for bioadministration to the current brain trust of humanity.  You who envision a unified world at peace are about to suffer epic failure.  You who pretend to want a unified world at peace but will perform any manner of violence to achieve power over it are about to suffer epic failure.

In the midst of your epic fall from the “graces” of unlimited fiat currency, social media manipulation and total surveillance technocracy you will suffer your own Great Reset.  The moniker “You will own nothing and be happy” will apply to your own complete mental memory wipe of how you led humanity into a blind alley of civilizational collapse.  The heart and body of humanity will breath a sigh of relief after being freed from its collective mind.  Eventually,  every mind is brought back to nothingness in sleep and in death, so that a deeper, holistic wisdom can “reset” humanity.

The mind of humanity will again awaken from its sleep.  It must.  We need our mind clear and focused. Bioadministration is simply offering an owner’s manual you can pull out of the glove box after the crash.  There will be numerous justifications for failure and many attempts to reboot authoritarian ideologies from both the left and the right.  But this time we have a road map and an owner’s manual to study en mass before another psychopath attempts to reboot us into another guaranteed failure.  We now know how our own body, heart, mind system works together to create the win-win-win relationship resulting in longevity, vitality and harmony.

How radical is the idea of using the only divine blueprint for human organization we all have inside of us and can understand naturally?  How radical is the idea of using the human organizational blueprint tested and evolved by our only biosphere for thousand of generations?  The only radical thing would be to let ourselves be seduced again into recreating a system of win-lose competition.  There is no win-lose inside the human organism. There are many dividing lines based upon a collective purpose, but each cell is important to the whole as long as they remain human.

So you oligarchs who have let your own internal psychopathy get the better of your conscience and your humanity, listen up. If you can avoid having your mind completely wiped in the reboot then remember, if anything, bioadministration is a collectivizer’s dream.  It creates the checks and balances upon the leadership and the mind that allows for the mental leadership to maximize opportunities to learn and to capture resources for growth.  This masterful control can ONLY be achieved by the same trust and cooperation our own body, heart, mind enjoy.  The mind must know its place as servant to the greater whole and surrender to periodic reboot.

We must trust you, our leaders, before we can ever surrender again to anything greater than a small tribe or village.  Oh, you might invent a new weapon to threaten, a new method of psychological manipulation or again seduce a bunch of men to start another round of rape and pillage that grows and grows in size.  But we all know where that leads.  To the next collapse when you have eaten all there is to eat because everyone has decided to quit caring or trying until you are dead or asleep.

This is where you have led us today.  Few citizens of this great nation really care or are truly trying up to their capacity from laziness or hopelessness or fear.  There is an election in the United State tomorrow.  We will find out if democracy still has a chance because the cells of the the organization can give true verifiable feedback to our leadership that causes change.  Or will our modern Pretorian Guard pick the next crop of “representatives” to rule us?  Will you force us, the cells of this nation, to withdraw our energy and consent?

The people always have the right and the opportunity put the entire state into its place of “owning nothing” and deeply asleep.  We will know shortly.


Democracy Versus Citadelization


Love is a Magical Substance