Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Resetting the Foundations of Human Life on Earth

When I first used this subtitle of Resetting the Foundations of Human Life on Earth to my 2001 book named The New Code it seems a little pretentious and less than timely to my readers dealing with the post 9/11 American Empire.  Even after the wildly impactful apocalyptic film An Inconvenient Truth came out in 2006, few humans were interested in digging down past the blame game to study the core healthy relationship between humans and Earth.  I did not bitch about the disconnect or preoccupation.  Rather, I helped start the eco-tourism industry with a luxury treehouse resort and zip lines to both lead and to capitalize on the direction I knew was coming.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Organizing Principals

It’s Christmas morning and for nearly seven decades I remember celebrating this long tradition with my family.  I have played the part of Joseph in a Lutheran parochial school play on Christmas Eve and I have been separated from my blood family on some Christmas mornings post-divorce.  Today, I am in Hawaii with my family who is far removed from religion while fully dedicated to the sacredness of being together in love-filled celebration.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Magic and Cosmonomics

I have written a series of blog posts to connect the practice of white magic to bioadministration and to the core foundation of life itself. Namely, the human body’s resilience and to the sun itself.  What is shrouded in taboo and mystery, I have attempted to make plain and obvious.  I have also suggested ways to see and negate the influence and power of black magic by seeing its cosmic roll as catalyst and enforcer by the managing of our own deviations from the zero point.  With these two polarities somewhat revealed and tamed into some level of partnership, we will now introduce the true (magical) power of reconciling the dark and the light.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Defeating Mind Viruses

Several of the latest hot topics on the internet have caught my attention.  That is their mission and purpose.  To gather attention and insert a self reinforcing program.  Rather like the toxoplasma that can only reproduce in the gut of cats infects mice and causes them to not only lose their innate fear of cats but to be mildly attracted to their scent.  Easy prey for further reproduction. See the elegant mouse trap built from this change in the prey’s mind?

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

White Magic III

I ended my last post on white magic with the invocation to be like the sun.  Then we leave behind any unhealthy codependence with our fellow humans.  We do not modify ourself to be acceptable.  We radiate our truth, not in a maximal way nor explosively, but in a steady stream of being.  Then it is up to our fellow humans to approach or withdraw based upon their own sense and inner guidance.  Every organ in our body is many sun-like cells standing alone but together. Every great culture has many sun-like humans standing alone but together too.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Christianity: The Cosmonomic Religion

Religions progress in cycles expressing the tripartite nature of all things.  Archaic religions were body oriented expressed thru nature worship and an ecstatic celebration of life.  These birthed  opposing mental Abrahamic-like religions of Judaism and Islam.  Deep feminine versus deep masculine.  Support of matriarchy versus support of patriarchy.  Body versus mind.  The perfect container for the divine child to be born in our heart.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Compromise Versus Co-Empowerment

One of the great dividing lines between organisms and organizations who are thriving and those who are dying centers is the quality of interaction between cells and between humans.  Averaging down to ensure equality versus the multiplying of inspiring action is rampant in America from “everyone gets a trophy” to the latest craze of corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  There has been enough time to see where these experiments in sociology lead and today we will discuss how to restore a thriving interaction of necessary diversity.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

White Magic II

My last blog on white magic laid out the premise that there is no difference from following its path and that of bioadministration. They both strive for maximum free attention, maximum reserve energy and resilient homeostasis. Effectively, living in the state of not looking for trouble but ready for anything. Therefore, the pathway of white magic and even to becoming a true doctor of civilization capable of wielding bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization starts with oneself as an embodiment of the divine blueprint that is the human organism.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

A Cosmonomic Cure for Cancer

My last post described cancer in terms of an irreconcilable contradiction expressed in words as “I’ve got to, but I can’t”.  This type of trapped internal state is compulsive, coercive and corrosive to our life force.  It also sends us off at death with a tension in our soul which is very hard to wash away. This creation will not stand for such compromise to human life and death.  Cancer is one solution.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz


Every positive attribute of the human three body system has a negative counterpart.  Thoughts can kill.  Emotions can suffocate.  Cells can adopt their own alien agenda.  This fact is exactly why life has designed a three body system of independent powers with built in routine maintenance and emergency powers.  Life force can be withdrawn from thoughts and emotions every night and every cell has it own embedded program of apoptosis, or suicide.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Technocracy’s Redemption

I am not an enemy of technocracy any more than I am a harsh internal critic if my own mind as it is trying to solve a complex problem for the first time.  Exploration of the unknown is vitally important to this human endeavor on Earth and the cooption of dogmatism or emotion to attack or defend the cutting edge of our human advancement is not helpful.  Inside or out.  What is valuable is objective feedback based on sensitive inputs from all the cells of our humanity and the design of a quick, flexible response for the restoration of homeostasis.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Three Body Solution

The three centers of human life (mind, heart and body) each have their own unique powers and ways of saying yes and no.  When we listen, honor and find balance in ourself, that, is the three body solution.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Watertight Integrity

Being a former naval officer and open ocean sailor, I am intimately familiar with the concept of buoyancy and the reality of sinking.  Any openings to the sea, whether caused by a torpedo, a rocky shoal or a ruptured hose connected to a thru hull fitting below the waterline is a matter of life and death.  There is no pulling over to the side of the road and waiting for help. So bilge pumps and damage control plugs are essential equipment to go to sea.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

White Magic

There was a time when scientists and magicians existed within the same person or organization. Isaac Newton, if forced to choose, would probably have said he was more alchemist than physicist.  Some of the Middle Ages’ public exposure and temporary flourishing of magical thought was certainly a result of the Reformation and the discrediting of the Catholic Church from its periodic insanity after The Inquisition.  But the Enlightenment and our University system has failed us by not allowing and encouraging the penetration of the unknown by non-traditional and magical means.  I assume Harvard, LSD and the Sixties was a bridge too far and still a bridge burned to the ground.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Power of Reconciliation

It is Thanksgiving morning and what better day is there to harvest the power of reconciliation?  We should all visit gratitude and reconciliation every night before we fall asleep, but I find the annual ritualization of gratitude through Thanksgiving as one of the top two holy-days along with Independence Day.  Why this is so is the subject of today’s posting.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Power of No

I wrote my last post, titled Divided Consciousness, about the ability to discern and judge based upon a mental division.  At our mental core is an ever present question of yes or no repeated countless times each day.  At an emotional, heart level hopefully we live in a state of yes to our surroundings and our world with our no being reserved for drama, trauma and disturbances. Even as infants we learned the ability to concentrate our no into powerful emotional outbursts in hopes of a restoration of yes.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Divided Consciousness

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know how I treat this fundamental idea of division and all its assigned power. With respect. From division’s father and namesake, the Devil, or the Latin el Diablo (the Divider) to the fundamental physics of electricity and energy storage, I respect the necessity of lawful separation and created boundary layers like I trust and depend upon insulation on copper wires.  What some call evil is a necessary part of this operating system.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Our Human Drama

Several members of my tribe are going through difficult trials of initiation this fall.  We humans are blessed with the ability to imagine, of intensification by becoming emotionally invested and the willpower to sustain self direction.  So why do our best attributes and intentions so often fail in the face of the human drama here on Earth?

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence III

Now that the initial hype and fear-mongering around AI has somewhat abated, we can perhaps objectively discuss the why and the consequences of birthing a rival intelligence to man.  In the first two posts on this subject, we dealt with the initial defensive responses of the body and heart in their attempt to maintain living homeostasis within our three-body system from AI’s introduction.  Today we will revisit the fact that our mind also uses citadelization to maintain its own sovereignty because AI will have the most destabilizing effects upon our mental center.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Bioadministration and the Redemption of Liberalism

The liberal world order and its project in the West is in panic.  The outbreak of the war between Israel and the Palestinians with its brutality on both sides and the mass protests along with whispered conspiracies all over the Western world effectively calling for the extinction of one side or the other has brought the traditional liberal to their knees in despair and even, perhaps soon, in prayer.  The West has been living in a historic bubble of idealism and has just been slapped in the face by realism. What to do?

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