Unipolarity Versus Multipolarity
When thinking about the three core concepts upon which the BCC Institute was founded, citadelization was the last to be established after bioadministration and then cosmonomics. My progression of understanding was reverse to that of evolution. In Nature, it was the body that came together first and then specializing and birthing the organs of necessity for complex life. Namely, the heart and mind. Either from above or below, from inside or from outside, if we explore any living system completely we find there is the tripartite structure of mind, heart and body.
The Rebel Alliance III
If we look objectively at our mind, its pro and cons, we see as complex, as dangerous and as satisfying a relationship as can be found in all of life. The Chinese for thousands of years have named the mind a “wild horse” to describe both its power to move and its difficulty to tame. One could make the case that any and all “alien” invasions would penetrate the mind to conquer humanity and our mind might mistakenly, but easily ally with off-world ideology and technology while abandoning its own heart and body. Equally, the relationship between government and its citizens rivals this embedded potential battle space we all face within.
The Rebel Alliance II
My title is somewhat tongue in cheek, coming from the iconic Star Wars movies. In the fictional there and then, a mass of different beings from across the galaxy band together to fight the universal problem of the “Sith Lord” that morphs from a conniving senator to a non-human being consumed by cosmic evil ruling the former galactic republic with a superhuman wielding of fear. This series of movies tapped into the perpetual drama machine of people and their concentrations of governmental power that transcends time, space and unique species. This is not a human problem, this is a cosmic issue needing a universal resolution.
The Rebel Alliance
Today humanity is living on the edge of overt terror and chaotic explosion of existing systems. Some humans are completely asleep to these psychic pressures, some feel the collective angst but see no solution and a few humans are designing a pathway forward. If you see and feel the increasing dictatorship of governmental mind as an existential issue then you are ready for this conversation.
Memory, Routine and Citadelization
The human organism is a unity of trillions of individual cellular life forms who from one point of view are born in a prison they can never escape from. More true is the human cell is in a win-win partnership of super mobility, capacity and memory. The single cell has a lifespan of days to months but lives within an organism that has persistent memory and routine allowing a newborn cell to be essentially fully capable of birth within an organization that approaches eternal life. Let’s explore how memory and routine are a chief ally in citadelization’s sense of self.
Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence II
The last time I wrote a few months ago about AI’s complete rewriting of our political, economic and spiritual systems it was to encourage resilience through creating citadels of harmonious organization around you, your family and your tribe. This was step one in “talking off the ledge” the mass hysteria and escatological fixation upon the release of Chat GPT by using the principals of citadelization. Today we will deal with opposing polarity of AI and the savior complex so embedded within Western Civilization.
Legitimate Authority III
Last time we talked about chaos and order as implosive and explosive forces that find balance and create a citadel in the shape of a perfect sphere. Human history has yet to find that balance and we experience dramatic swings between order and chaos. Revolutions come along to break up dysfunctional orders and authoritarian regimes are established from the exhaustion of sustained chaos. What would a balanced human world and story look like?
Chaos and Citadelization
This word chaos has infiltrated into branches of science, magic, arts, music, mythology and literature. We have enough vectors to state that chaos in any expression is that of anti-order. And if order is the tool of the patriarchy then chaos is in the realm of the matriarchy and the deepest feminine. Today, we will explore this idea of chaos being the feminine counterpoint to masculine order and their child being a citadel.
These last several weeks in my posts on the people’s power and responsibility under the heading of citadelization, I have encouraged a curation of our environment away from both slavery and psychopathy. This basic theme applied to a small tribe makes perfect sense. In the case of the psychopath or the slave mentality neither can be tolerated within the boundary of a healthy win-win organization. And win-win cooperation is the foundation of citadelization.
The Persistent Problem of Slavery
In my last post on citadelization, we explored the problem of psychopathy and being so self-centered that we treat everything external as a plaything of self-satisfaction and self-aggrandizement. The other end of the spectrum is the slave mentality of no independent sovereignty and being the perfect canvas of the psychopath. Both are a problem for any human organization and both reinforce the systemization of the other.
The Persistent Problem of Psychopathy
The human organism is based upon a win-win agreement among trillions of cells. Homeostasis, harmony and resilience are the key metrics for the life force and effectiveness any sized organization from the single human to the civilization. And yet, these principals of biological life have yet to be sustainably implemented within larger human organizations. Why? The psychopaths.
Life gives each human a number of abilities and attributes unique to ourself. Our fingerprints are unique. The iris of our eye is unique. Our DNA is unique. Our memories are unique. And today we will explore a public subset of our memory, we call our reputation, that is being increasingly curated and stored outside of our being as a unique marker of our human expression.
Uni-verse, One Song
The commonality of language and history among a group of people allows for co-empowerment and harmony. This can most easily be seen within the organization of a single human’s trillions of cells. Many meditation, competitive sports and martial arts train a coherence between our cells. organs and nerve centers for peak performance. And it works!
Legitimate Authority II
Today we continue to explore the area and responsibility of legitimate authority of “we the people”. And how we can recover our power of instinct for action in the face of imminent threat. No one thinks twice about the body’s power to put the mind and heart to sleep every night for the sake of our whole organism or the flinch instinct to save our fingers when touching a hot stove. If the body and the people cannot or do not take their responsibility for the health and protection of the organism, it is doomed.
Legitimate Authority
Within the human organism, there is a place and purpose designed and built to interface with the outer world and coordinate our activities. Our mind. There is also within the human organization something we call our conscience which carries an imbedded wisdom of right and wrong and feelings about our actions. Our heart center has abilities beyond simply pumping blood.
We have talked recently under the topic of citadelization about contagion and un-contagion as epic and titanic forces each human is subject to…. by design. From flash mobs to cults to bathing in the “peace that surpasses all understanding, we humans are susceptible to influence and infection for positive and negative effect.
Bioelectrical Un-Contagion
The study of bioelectric fields, also named morphogenic fields, is an interesting area of study. One simple study took an egg laid by a chicken and put it under a duck to hatch with her eggs. The newborn chick’s beak was deformed by trying to transform into a duckbill and there was the beginning of webbing on the feet between the toes. Bioelectric fields are powerful forces in shaping our lives even if our genetic programming is different.
It’s our Independence That Unites Us
The title of this post is the tag line of the 2023 Independent National Convention in which BCC Institute has taken a booth this week. I personally resonate highly with this group of humans. And this type of human relationship is the foundation of citadelization, a united independence.
Today I will focus my energy and message on interacting personally with my fellow humans who care enough for our United States to travel, speak, donate and encourage the revival of our political system at this event.
I encourage you to go to the website of INC23.US and check out how these particular cells in the body of America are joining together in their independent actions for the sake of their beloved country.
Flash Mob
Today we will continue upon the theme of contagion in the specialized case of flash mobs. Although the core attraction to the spontaneous expression of human harmony in expressive action, i.e. flash mob, is based in cosmonomics with the zero point, what we will explore today is more categorized as citadelization. The conscious and playful surrender of our sovereignty to unifying action is like catnip that requires the careful counterbalance of individuated self consciousness.
Humans are very susceptible to contagions, by design. From the mental realm we must be able to receive messages through the collective unconscious circuit. From the physical realm our bodies must be stress tested and evolved by the spread of pathogens. And from the emotional realm we must be able to be mass stimulated to absorb and transmute disharmonious energies falling upon Earth. After all, we live inside greater levels of Life and are subject to their control no less than our own heart’s response to our choice of a strenuous activity.