Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Aging and Renewal

Being of the baby boomer generation, my cohort invests a lot of time and energy on treatments and spas that are promised to stop or reverse aging.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing internal health at any age as long as this does not become a consuming obsession driven by a fear of death. Being haunted by death is one of those motivators that can be inspiring of more life as long as we stay away from the extremes of complete denial or debilitating fear.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz


Once the humans who want to be powerful but prefer to remain humane in the process search for tools of manipulation, they naturally fall upon the tactics of lying, fiat money and manufactured narrative control through secrecy and disclosure.  In the endless accumulation of unplayable debts, post-COVID, 2020 election, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now congressional hearings on UFO’s we humans are being forced though a master class on how our “leaders” use the modern tools of digital communication to make up down and down up.  This can work for awhile until the lies begin to corrupt the self correcting feedback loop of cause and effect.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Life Abundant: Capitalism or Communism

In this modern age of capitalism, with money and private property being able to be sequestered and passed on, there is this tendency to equate having lots of money and possessions with life abundant.  We have all seen tired old men with wealth married to young attractive wives.  Just another possession of the appearance of winning the game of life.  Seems off-target.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind II

Last week we set up the conundrum of our obvious need for a point of organization within the ocean of all possibility and at the same time the dangers of empowering the point of organizing we call mind.  It is easy to see the fallibility of our own mind as a trial and error mechanism in its slow and often painful learning and growth.  And yet if we transpose the bioadministration blueprint to larger human organizations, we see the organizing power of governmental mind is prone to tyrannical self deception of infallibility and catastrophic collapse of order.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind

The idea of using the human blueprint for larger organizations of humans has undeniable logic and massive consequences.  Going all the way back to the proverbial Tower of Babel and its story there is some hidden, higher dictatorship of mind having the power and ability to confuse the speech of humanity to keep it…unorganized and unorganizable.  I fight that power and it is also my ally.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Two Hands, Two Feet, Two Parties

We take for granted the binary nature and symmetry of the human body.  Walking and running is infinitely easier than hopping around and balancing on one foot.  Our ability to pick up heavy objects or to climb up a vertical obstacle is only possible by the opposing and complimentary pressure coming from two hands working together for one purpose.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Rules of the Game

All science, philosophy, economics, politics and religion are attempts to codify the rules of this game called life on Earth.  From the physical sciences grounded in observation to metaphysics of wild speculation still the drive is to codify our existence in order to gain some level of control over the mystery that life is.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Bioadministration World Order III

There are many legitimate reasons for the organization of humanity into a world governance.  Nuclear annihilation, alien contact and capitalistic resource depletion to name but three.  The best reason is the evolved adaptation of the highest living organism, the human, has the blueprint for win-win cooperation of trillions of individual life forms we call cells. Humanity will be at its most capable, most secure and most contented when all humans are living within one system of agreement with natural checks and balances. Mind, heart, body. The triad of life.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

The administration of our body’s nervous system is divided into two opposing halves. The sympathetic contracts and intensifies while the parasympathetic opens and relaxes. Oriental medicine doctrine describes this as yang (masculine) and yin (feminine). The balance of the two acts like an accelerator pedal controlling the flow of fuel racing our heartbeats and raising our blood pressure as needed and decelerating the revolutions per minute to allow for resting and conservation of health and energy.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Why Humans?

A fundamental premise of esoteric lore long before I was born is that of “As above, so below”.  This refers to the fractal nature of the microcosm is the macrocosm and octaves resonant each other at higher and lower intervals of a hidden harmony. Everything is connected and everything effects everything else.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz


Life is the name we give to an original and mysterious force that manifests as willpower in the body, emotion in the heart and exploration in the mind.  At a purely physical level, we have over 200 different types of cells, each with an independent life force, specializing for the harmonious manifestation of a complete human.  We call this blueprint of our being and its cooperation bioadministration.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Centripetal Artificial Intelligence

The hype and the fear around AI has been ramped up to eleven these past few months and then supercharged this week.  Call me cynical but few things get this kind of attention these days unless someone is shaping the message for a purposeful agenda or a cosmic triggering of humanity’s next shadow work.  Perhaps this is the opening salvo in our government’s desire to maintain control of this emerging technology.  Perhaps just like every knowledge worker fears their loss of livelihood to AI, our government fears it loss of relevance to AI.  Let’s explore.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Centripetal Intelligence

Organizations, large and small, from family dynamics to unit warfare all struggle to accomplish some task and purpose.  Food, shelter, warmth, security and any number of other necessities are forced upon us by Nature and we humans have thrived by grouping into organizations.  Needs create the incentive to organize into groups and define group purpose.  How we get what we need and how efficiently we get it is based upon intelligence.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Politics and Bioadministration

There’s a barely hidden shadow desire among even the most liberal democracies for a “benevolent dictator” to arise during times of crisis.  This myth goes something like a reincarnation of the Stoic Marcus Aurelius wielding wisdom and dictatorial authority to save democracy from itself.  Another more modern incarnation of a hoped for savior is the arrival of benevolent aliens with advanced technology and wisdom to freely share.  And there’s always the tried and true belief in the second coming of Christ, or the Islamic Mahdi or the Jewish Messiah.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Win-Win Cooperation

One of the great mysteries about humans is our bi-polar drive for both community health and for selfish advantage.  A Nobel prize was given to the economist who explained game theory describing this dilemma of knowing a better path of win-win and how it is sabotaged.  This human identified our human dilemma but did not resolve it.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Justice For All

When you go into the doctor for a check up, there is a standard procedure for checking the major biological systems.  Blood pressure and pulse.  Blood analysis. Body mass index. Clear lungs. Etc.  What kind of inspection would a doctor of civilization perform as a first look at societal health?  Of course, the supply and velocity of money. The cost and availability of goods will be huge tells.  Income distribution.  Malnutrition. Racial division and strife.  There are many tell tale signs of stress and disease.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Not Fully Here

In today’s modern age with its hyper access and commitment to technologies that feed the mind, one might argue against bioadministration, a perfected power sharing of mind, heart and body.  The argument would give various reasons why the mind is the premiere organ within the body and deserves full control.  In short, a master-slave relationship.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Bioadministration’s Heart

I talk a lot in my blog about cosmonomics and the energetic exchanges within the heart between this world and the unseen world through the vortex of the zero point.  This is because I choose to empower the heart over the mind in this age. The Enlightenment was an arising and empowerment of the mind from the emotional morass of the middle and dark ages.  Each age has its challenges and the recovery of homeostasis must be supported by a 360 degree set of tools to rebalance ourselves and remain alive.

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