Personal Magic
When people think about magic, it is usually images from the television that arise. Witches or wizards speaking powerful words and doing terrible things. That fantasy overlay in our mind blocks us from seeing the real magic being word and image smithed by politicians, intelligence agencies and advertisers all around us. Citadelization is white magic, the defensive kind, that shields our personal space. Inside and outside.
Citadelization and Our Immune System
Immune cells and blood cells are unique in that they arise from the marrow of our hollow bones. They are cells apart from all other cells which arise from the parentage within the organ structure in which they will serve their entire lifespan. Immune cells and blood cells are gifted with the ability to travel whereas all others are born in station, unable to migrate to a new home, a new job, a new set of friends. Being stationary makes a citadel the natural structural response and method of definition.
Thinking versus Knowing
Every human is familiar with their brain’s ability for rational thought and decision. Nearly all organized schooling is focused on training the brain how to remember and to think. This system of internal communication within the body, heart, mind system is relatively well understood within science and medicine as electrical signals traveling through synapses at the speed of light. And our minds are well equipped with five sense organs to help direct our thinking and our control over our life.
Citadelization and the Three Body Problem
I recently made the case for bioadministration as the most human and fair way to organize humanity to bring harmony to our fundamentally unstable system. Today we will look at the three body problem from a cost-benefit analysis to the individual cell and concentrations of similar cells called organs. After all, a human is a collection of trillions of individual cells who have assembled into a single organization. Was that an evolutionary mistake?
People Power II
For our next civilization to evolve, or even form, will require empowering the people as sovereign nodes fully sharing their unique expression of life within a win-win ecosystem. That is a tall order, especially in the face of the emerging technocracy.
Patriarchy and Succession
Here at BCC Institute, a patriarchy is not defined as a group of men running the world. The masculine power of knowing and wielding light can emanate from a biological male or female.
The patriarchy is the mind of any organization of humanity with its masculine, feminine and unified compartments.
In an ideal world, a system of patriarchy would renew itself and train its next leaders by the structure and design of the system itself. Fraternities and secret societies attempt this with hazings and ritualized suffering to weed out the uncommitted and make more valuable the secrets at the core of that belief system and patriarchy. On the downside, succession becomes self-referential and the original focus of the system becomes staying alive, instead of its original purpose and service.
Bedtime for Washington
I have been studying the idea of a planned reboot of our civilization for over 25 years. In 1997 I formulated a Presidential campaign with the platform of a one-year controlled reboot of the United States to celebrate a new millennium. I worked out the operational plan and justification based on cost-benefit to the soul of our nation versus the machine of the modern economy. What happened was, I decided that shutting down the whole economy at once was too authoritarian and should be voluntary. I went first.
Law and Justice II
It’s all the rage to claim a civil war is about to break out in the United States between the left and right. We also have predictions and experiences across Western Civilization of revolts against medical tyranny. Before we panic, remember the ancient model of our Republic and subsequent Empire, the Western Roman Empire, experienced 150 named revolts and civil wars. And the Eastern successor of Byzantium had another 125.
Citadelization Theory of Conscious Harmony
I have stated the fundamental force creating citadels is the desire to know thyself. That is half the ideal. Often times among humans this is really just being lazy. We might lock ourselves into our room and watch television. And as dysfunctional as this type of retreat from life can become, it is still based on the desire to create physical and energetic boundaries to be at rest and at peace even if we use it to give our attention to something that has none of our soul attached.
Avoiding Civil War with Citadelization
The core tenet of citadelization is to “know thyself” so as to ensure each interaction with other humans is a well-negotiated win-win relationship. Civil war can only come about by the systemic and sustained collection of poor choices in relationships that should have never been agreed to in the first place. Over time, the win-win relationship that founded the human organization becomes compromised by pockets of self-interest no longer connected to the original agreement. Then, a civil war must be fought or cancer and death set in.
Suicide Civilization
As generations pass from parent to child there is a depletion of one to grow the other. The aging process on Earth forces humans to make commitments on what we will invest our youthful life force into before old age makes us feeble. Generally, that transfer is to our own family and children as the best investment that may give our life meaning and help protect and care for us in old age.
Citadelization New World Order
I grew up in an age of deceit. There was an unspoken agreement of willful deceit between the people of the United States and their government that was even publicly institutionalized as the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of gays in the military during the 1990s. From the Kennedy assassination on forward, we let our government treat us like children that suspect they are being lied to about Santa Claus but don’t ask because of the benefits of ignorance. The story of America was too good, and too beneficial, to question. From both sides.
Inspiration and the Lunar Olympic Committee
When thinking about citadelization, it is relatively easy to see the necessary limits upon bioadministration and the governing of humanity. Sleep and self-remembering and other circuit breakers have been well founded conceptually as valid and necessary limitations. But what happens when the mind has lost the thread of human empowerment and inspiration for the future? Do the masses of human cells have a duty and responsibility to the mind in leadership?
Scientific Inquisition
When the history of this time is written in earnest, it will be compared to the religious inquisition of the Catholic church in Spain just before the Enlightenment. The pure evil that can infect human organizations at the mental and emotional level cloaked in self-righteous and self-proclaimed truth was symbolized for me by the use of a high-backed “confession” chair with a hole just behind the neck. A rope was placed around the neck of a human that authorities decided needed to repent and see the “truth”. That rope was then put through the hole in the high-backed chair and a twisting, tightening stick was placed on the rope to facilitate the squeezing of the neck until the confessor’s eyes popped out of their skull. These inquisitors were “men of God”. Do I have your attention?
Negentropy of Human Experience
Most humans understand the concept of entropy and the tendency for hot things to become cool and for frozen things to melt. Entropy means our machines and even our living bodies eventually break down from wear and tear. But somehow we humans hopefully get smarter with time and experience. Our souls grow. Our minds and our hearts gain patience and wisdom which serves us as the counterbalancing negentropy. This applies to healthy human organizations too. Within any system, there are forces of entropy and negentropy. Which force rules is an issue of life and death.
More Citadelization Circuit Breakers
Last time I blogged about self-remembering as a circuit breaker to mental and emotional identification with an external event that disempowers the individual human through the draining of attention and harmony. Going back to the three-body problem, it seems as though the human design is to be easily destabilized and milked to produce a type of raw material for greater unseen processes upon Earth and in the cosmos. This is called life and the ability to catch yourself in the heat of the moment with self-remembering is a masterwork.
Citadelization & Self Remembering
As part of my spiritual journey, I studied the Gurdjieff Work for a number of years. The introductory concept taught to everyone was that of self-remembering to separate from being overly identified or possessed by a thought or feeling. Later in the Work this was defined as the first conscious shock or conscious breath. Every tradition has its own name for gathering the attention, moving it to a point inside the body but away from the brain and sense organs, and using various techniques to get some level of conscious control over it. To become clear enough to listen to our inner voice of conscience, we need tools to separate ourselves from the crowd of humanity.
The Citadelization Instinct
I was born on the Fourth of July to a woman born on Bastille Day. Let’s just say I have my share of inbred independence. Many of my good friends say I have an abundance of self-respect when kind and that I’m an egotistical XXXX when in a verbal fight. I received an epiphany from some level of the spirit world about bioadministration and waited 20 years to back it publicly because I had yet to see how to counteract what could be an oppressive organization of control…with citadelization. I had to finish my own internal journey into harmony between individualism and collectivism, bioadministration and citadelization, before I would pry my own security blanket of robust independence from my clutching hands.
People Power
Is it possible for the people that comprise a complex system on the verge of collapse to defensively organize without structural leadership in order to stop the fall of the system into chaos and full reboot? I am not talking about massive decentralization, although that is a very rational and necessary first step. I am talking about a systemic reaction to an impending disaster analogous to pulling your hand from a hot stove. I am talking about the instinct of self-preservation mixed with the superpower of crisis response akin to a mother lifting a car off her child. Can humanity, in extreme and rare moments, act as one to avoid disaster? Is there a hidden autonomic nervous system connecting humanity outside the control of governmental mind and the internet with kill switches? True people power.
Defeating Cancers and Protecting Against Harmful Citadelization
The study of cancer as a dis-ease can be useful in also studying one leg of our triad, citadelization. Each leg of our triad needs its own self-regulation or limitation that must be enforced by the other legs of the triad. For example, citadelization naturally and rightly opposes the centralization of power within bioadministration and the mind every night through sleep. What force prevents excessive citadelization with humans losing their connection to the whole? What if cells losing their systemic purpose start hiding in masses and packs who want to remain alive but find no common purpose with the life that is sustaining them? Sounds a lot like historical falls of civilization, things we are seeing in the outer world, and also like the symptoms of cancer and its growth.