Technology’s Counterpoint
Perhaps there is no other issue facing humanity of more danger or importance than how to remain a natural human in an exponentially increasing technological world. There is a real and immediate issue of human purpose in a fully installed AI driven world. Look back upon the integration of electricity and industrial machines into our world and the wars they empowered. Can we survive a war whose action is so fast its decisions must be calculated and executed by autonomous computers?
Beneficial Division
There are many different strategies life uses to be more resilient and able to respond to external stimuli. Today we will discuss division. Atomizing an organization as large and as capable as a human into trillions of individual cells with every cell needing food, oxygen, waste, chemical signaling and neural communication is a complexity of design that must have purpose. Why keep a six foot tall human divided into microscopic pieces?
Coherence, Cohesion and Co-Empowerment
Every small assembly of humans, be it a family or a tribe or a sports team has its own governing natural law we could name co-empowerment backed by coherence and cohesion. Given the free movement of people, the feeling of coherence within the hearts of the human participants will draw humans together and the feeling of dissonance will drive them apart. Our body and our humanity practices citadelization by these fundamentally important learned instincts.
Ethics Versus Ideology III: Citadelization as Antidote
Imagine you are a single cell organism capable of independent life faced with a short-sighted and short lived existence. It’s a cold night and you bump into another similar organism just trying to stay warm and you both discover that where your cell walls touch is warmer. So you stay touching through the night. More cells join in each night to conserve energy and to stay warm and it becomes the best way to survive. So everybody does it. The external environment and thermodynamics establishes an ethical strategy everybody shares to enhance life.
Ethics versus Ideology
In ancient Athens at the foundations of democracy, politics was considered to be ruled by ethics because the body politic was known to be a living macrocosm of the community’s shared ethics. As above, so below. Today, ethics has been replaced by ideology and along with it has destroyed the restraints upon democracy’s greatest weaknesses, mob rule and the loss of individual rights.
Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence
When the last great technological revolution founded upon electricity and oil became widespread it completely changed our entire economic, social and political structures. If we add in Darwin, Nietzsche and modern science we can say religion was completely brought into question also. The disturbance that fell upon humanity 150 years ago was cataclysmic when comparing before and after. The computer and AI revolution will be at least as transformative.
Apoptosis Versus Cancer
When living within a diseased organization with no possibility of escape there are several critical soul-level decisions that must be made. The first major choice is whether to wake up to the fact there is a problem at all. Humans are especially adaptable to long-term suffering. We make great hamsters on a wheel, and once in a set pattern and motion, we have a tremendous capacity to apply our focused willpower in any trained direction.
The Heart Citadel III
For all our science and our experts in white coats, the human heart, its operation, and its function remain mysteriously hidden. Everyone knows the heart is a pump except when disease causes the heart valves to misfire the direction of the blood flow remains one-directional against the laws of physics. Perhaps this is because of the vortex (zero point) created in the left ventricle which remains strangely unexplored.
People Power III
In the industrial revolution, machines became a threat to the value of people’s labor. Many hands were replaced by a few hands. And in the short run, weavers and cotton pickers lost value in the production process. In the long term, the repetitive tasks that scar the human body and deaden the soul were rightly given over to unfeeling and tireless machines. This did not happen quickly but still, Luddites organized to try to stop this progress and the word sabotage comes from using wooden shoes (sabo) to jam the machinery.
The Heart Citadel II
Several posts back on the subject of citadelization we discussed the heart as a citadel with respect to ego formation and dissolution during the human journey and how this defensive perimeter regulates the production, storage and use of the neutralizing and reconciling force so critical to the arising and sustaining of life on Earth and in the solar system. Today, we will explore the expanded citadel around the heart’s zero point from the aspect of bioadministration’s structural support of this vital defensive structure.
The Tower of Babel
What if you where working to build the proverbial tower of Babel? Maybe you lived nearby and wanted to be a part of the “greatest show on Earth”. Maybe you were a slave? Or it was the only way to feed yourself or your family. Maybe it really was a spiritual exercise to try and assault the gates of heaven.
Decentralization is not an optimizing process. Things can be atomized beyond their optimum strength and functionality. Whereas cItadelization is a process of optimization because its goal is not to be small or independent but to best contain and fulfill a function required by mission versus outside forces. The sphere is the natural citadel forced upon groups of similar matter from soap bubbles to planets and stars.
Citadelization as a Tool of Navigation
When I was a young naval officer we were just getting the first satellite navigation and Hewlett-Packard calculators that could do trigonometry. I was lucky to have been already trained on and practiced the centuries old techniques of celestial astronomy and pencil mathematics. Many people have asked me how I have discovered these previously uncharted concepts of bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization. My training in celestial navigation was a key.
The Citadelization Defense Against Group Insanity
We humans have collected enough of our history to know there are regular periods of group insanity that infect the human mind. From the bible story of the Tower of Babel to the recent examples of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Cambodian Killing Fields, we humans regularly become the tool of our own destruction. First, we will theorize why this happens and then apply the principles of citadelization as a defense.
Collective Self Interest
Part of the difference between decentralization and citadelization lies in the layering of collective self-interest. To be completely self-sufficient is nearly impossible and an unwise use of time and resources when compared with the camaraderie and security of gathering into a small tribe. The Phalanx of ancient warfare was so successful because of its network effect of group attack and defensive shielding. There is an ideal size for any organization based upon its purpose and it is only rarely a solo operation.
The Heart Citadel
Our mind is a force that requires serious strategies of counterbalance and limitation. Sleep is the most obvious and routine bodily process we use to break harmful patterns of excess and abuse. Today we are going to discuss how our bodies create what is commonly known as our ego as a defensive perimeter around our heart to prevent the mind’s easy access to our stores of emotional and physical energy. The heart citadel.
Mental Citadelization
The power of the mind depends on its ability to gather and coalesce sensation from the body into attention. With adequate attention the mind can assimilate the input from the senses, search its memory banks for similarities and determine a course of action. Our mind is our tactical leader, no matter its I.Q.
Democracy Versus Citadelization
I am writing this on election day in the US. Democracy is defined as majority rule whereas citadelization is the atomization of rule into many autonomous layers closest to purpose and action. Even though the US is not a true democracy (it is a representative democracy), exploring the relationship and opposition between the two is helpful to reveal how the two strategies of majority rule and citadelization co-existing is healthier than one alone.
Cults Versus Citadelization
A cult is an alternative belief system which requires isolation from the greater organism within which the cult exists because its internal logic, practices and rules cannot be defended in the light of day and by consensus reality. Whereas citadelization is the practice of creating separation from the consensus reality because of the danger of being the next lemming walking off a cliff led by a culture in terminal decline.
Bacteria Versus Viruses
Within a complex society and its protective system of justice, there is a new form of disease which presents significant challenge to the organization. In an individual human, this new challenge is called a viral infection. The first viral infection is thought to be yellow fever isolated in 1881. So, in the evolutionary time scale, humanity is in the middle of a war against a brand new type of disease.