Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Neutral World III

In Part I, we drew the target.  In part II we shot a bull’s eye at the target.  In part III we will see what is behind the bull’s eye.  Behind the zero point of the bull’s eye is the neutral world and the laws of cosmonomics regulate the flow through this portal.  The ‘stairway to heaven’ is not a staircase, it is a vortex. 

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Neutral World II

After re-reading “The Neutral World” post I am unsatisfied and have teased myself into refining and delivering a silver bullet in words, if possible.  No more messing around in mystery and innuendo. So, it is not the mass nor the velocity of a silver bullet fired into the heart of something evil that can end its life, because, being evil is paid for from the non-physical world. It is the radiation of the properties of silver within the non-physical, spiritual world that expels its further existence in the physical body hit by the bullet.  Today, I will clearly deliver with mass and velocity and silver my description of the neutral world, not to kill you, but to set you free. 

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Neutral World

Our last post in cosmonomics was on memory and sensation, two opposing forces who were once one and whose return to one is the mystery we humans call life.  Arguably the most common symbol ever on this planet so far is the cross.  The arms of the cross are memory and sensation.  The vertical axis is the ladder of being whose level of life is ruled by that life’s ability to reconcile memory and sensation back into a more complete expression of God or whatever name you want to use as the target and purpose of life.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Memory and Sensation

Thousands of years ago Chinese philosophers invented the terms yin and yang to describe the Tao. One hundred years ago the Jungian analysts invented the anima and animus to help describe the human condition.  Both systems used masculine and feminine categories to describe life.  They took known qualities and invented a new name for qualification and description.  Outside looking in. Valuable. 

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Human Conscience, God’s Scar Tissue

The cosmonomic and bioadministration view of scar tissue is a persistent, visible form of what we call memorized sensation. The human body replaces nearly every cell within a year’s time and yet we often have scars lasting thru many cycles of re-creation of the memory of a significantly wounding event. To what purpose?

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Western Civilization: Specially Created with Cosmic Purpose

Today, I’m sitting in a Starbuck’s in downtown Chicago.  It’s daytime so the thin veneer of what remains of western civilization is thicker with the light of day.  At night, or with the force of an organized mob, there are only the rules Hobbes, Darwin or Nietzsche explored.  I’m in the “The City that Works”….sometimes. With a limp.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics New World Order

Most serious geopolitical analysts are saying World War III has already started or are predicting it to start in the next few years.  East versus West or Authoritarians versus Democracies or financial engineering versus socialist production.  Whatever the dividing line, one thing is crystal clear.  The New World Order announced and led by the West after the fall of the Soviet Union and the before the rise of China has already died.  

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Order and Chaos

The subject of order and chaos has always been interesting to me. Maybe it’s my German blood. Our blood history ranging from barbarians to Nazis must mean there is some bipolar disorder or… child-like “people of the forest” we are susceptible to expressions of order and chaos which serve to hold a mirror up to the human family like the outbursts of our own children often do. Our children are the perfect bio-feedback mechanism, if, we are paying attention.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Third Force Victory

If I forced myself to distill an answer to the perennial question “Why are we here?” I would have to answer “I can only know why I am here?”  It’s a personal journey of knowing thyself.  And it’s a journey with many way stations I call “my perfect delusion”.  I know there’s more to know but at the same time I cannot disprove what I know with what I know.  Therefore, I disclaim ever being objectively “right’” and I always claim to be speaking from my perfect delusion.  If more scientists remembered that knowing is a journey, not a place, then we would all get wherever sooner.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics Food Chain

Of all the concepts being revealed from BCC Institute, right up there at the top for simplicity and social impact is this idea—humans are not at the top of the food chain.  We cannot ‘see’ the food we produce or the being(s) we are feeding. We currently have no religious organization which teaches us how this system works or any government which attempts to manage our being ‘milked’.  And yet nature demands a purpose and a passing on of the food we humans consume.  Our physical bodies may feed worms but our energy in life and death is a tasty treat upstream. For conscious humans, it demands our attention.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics and God Consciousness

God consciousness. Easy to say. Harder to imagine. Impossible to hold. If you want to penetrate the eternal mystery and science that is cosmonomics, it’s not going to happen unless you can at least see the pot of gold at end of the rainbow. God consciousness. The Holy Grail. Unity. Zero Point. The Great Mystery.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Why War

In this short essay we will review and apply the principles of cosmonomics to war in general and also to the current cycle of conflict our world is facing. We will not engage in the story or of blame which is simply a disease of the mind grasping at straws to attempt to calm itself by making another fairy tale blanket to cover an existential truth we will attempt to remember in this essay…. the conditions and the timing of war is essentially a cosmic disturbance.

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