Never Again
The theory of bioadministration is the use of the human body as the blueprint for human organization. If this theory was fully established decades ago we would not find our world faced with an existential disaster from the breakdown of an overly complex system. Yes, the human body is a complex system but with many fail-safes and redundant systems. Sleep and its natural reboot every 24 hours prevent catastrophic failures due to fatigue. The most critical statistic in the human body, the pH of arterial blood, has five independent methods to buffer our blood. The human body is optimized for one thing, capable longevity in all conditions. Whereas, modern civilization is optimized for growth and consumption in pursuit of a type of temporary wealth and power which are unsustainable in life or in the transition to death.
Imposition Versus Invitation
Our world has been run under a patriarchy of imposition for millennia whether by the church or the state. In the last blog post on bioadministration, I revealed my old theory of placing females in charge of the patriarchy as a way to birth the world patriarchy out into the open and out of Washington D.C. Europe is essentially ruled by women and there is no democracy left, only new and emotionally driven excuses for imposing the order of the state upon the people. And now we have humanity’s latest experience of Covid-19 as a literal weapon of imposed control, which irrefutably demonstrates an open war upon the free soul of humanity and representative democracy’s dying gasp of leadership through invitation. The hour is very late.
The American Matriarchy
I wrote most of a book over fifteen years ago called The American Matriarchy but remains unpublished. The general premise was that a world patriarchy had captured Washington D.C. and in order to re-establish boundaries and sovereignty we needed a matriarchy led by women to kick out the globalists and restore American government upon the principles of wealth instead of power. Honestly, the prospect of helping get Hillary Clinton elected president in 2008 slowed my desire to finish the book. And now looking back at the “feminine” leaders who have risen to power, they are not bringing forth a matriarchy.
Bioadministration Theory of Attention III
In part I we became awake to the war for our attention and a method for recapturing our lost attention. In part II we explored a strategy for flexing our power and control over our attention on a systemic basis by a fundamental reordering of our mind and our government by the principles of bioadministration. In part III, we will discuss a roadmap for the personal journey to sovereignty and the true nature of the literal demons standing in our way.
Bioadministration Theory of Attention II
I can sense my readers of my last post on Bioadministration Theory of Attention are feeling tricked. Bioadministration is supposed to be about the mind. Yet, I ended with what is essentially a meditation centered in the heart and invited your attention to live and act from your heart. If you listened and did it right, I probably started a little conflict within. Do the little bugs in your gut give in on the first day of a fast? Or do they turn on their screaming? Remember to them it’s life or death. The freeloaders in your mind are no different. They just feel more familiar because they never shut up. At least, your gut biome shuts up between feedings.
Bioadministration Theory of Attention
When someone first encounters the idea of using the human body as a blueprint for human organization, it is natural to focus on the over two hundred different types of unique human cells which contain all the body’s functions. Who’s the plumber? Who’s the policeman? Who’s the president? That is a little like anthropomorphizing God by making him a grey-haired old man. Letting what we can describe attempt to contain what is ineffable happens. Common mistake.
The Liver as a Citadel within Bioadministration
Of all the cell types and cell groupings in the human body nothing compares to the mystery of the citadel called the liver. Yes, the brain is a citadel and pretty cool too, if power hungry. And so is the real function of our heart and its fine sensitivity. But a single liver cell is the most sophisticated chemical factory that can produce over 500 chemical functions and transmutations and still fits inside the hollow of a single human hair.
Bioadministration Means Radical Transparency
Do you think you will have secrets in Heaven? Guess again. Secrets arise from limited consciousness. One of the conditions on Earth that makes it bearable is that all our past mistakes are not advertised all over the world or with everyone we meet on day one. But our hiding is coming to an end with the internet and the digitization of nearly every event in our lives.
Bioadministration not Transhumanism
Our would-be world patriarchy has been on a long-term journey for at least the last one hundred years to sell humans on adopting what is now packaged as transhumanism. It is no conspiracy theory that in the last century we have been heavily sold communism, fascism, eugenics, technocracy thru the tools of propaganda, secret police, forced sterilization, modern advertising, re-education camps, social credit scores, etc. How has that worked out for humanity? At least part of our human leadership believes there can be no order without these types of systems and methods of control. Not so. There is a replacement to these anti-life political systems with a system built for life. The human body itself, we call bioadministration.