Theory of Everything

Over the last number of my blog posts regarding bioadministration,  I have been laying a foundation upon which to describe a Theory of Everything. I have defined common terms like memory, sensation, instinct, conscience, attention, attraction, repulsion, division, and reconciliation.  These terms all have a common human experience and can be felt within any human.  My definitions and descriptions have hopefully started to lay the groundwork for your understanding of what we are going to talk about today.

Most mathematicians and physicists are trying to solve for a Theory of Everything by resolving the four fundamental forces of gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force into one set of equations.  My Theory of Everything starts with the same four forces and goes like this…

Electromagnetism can divide a whole into two opposite halves.  The repelling of those opposites is anti-gravity. The attraction of those opposites is gravity.  Nuclear force is the attraction of likes.  The anti-nuclear force is the repelling of likes.  Electromagnetism is the reconciliation of opposite halves into a whole.

You will notice I describe two extra forces that regular science often ignores or misconstrue.  Anti-gravity is my name for chi or life force.  Any Theory of Everything that cannot describe the energy of Life is incomplete.  Secondly, anti-nuclear force could also be called radiation.  This idea is well known in science but gives limited idea for its proper function or controlled use.  From the “laying on of hands” for healing to subtle forms of communication to the coding within sunlight, the anti-nuclear force or radiation cannot be left out of a complete theory.

Also, my Theory of Everything begins and ends with, and assumes, a primordial substance that can be divided, manipulated, and reconciled.  Call it ether or call it God there is a perfected substance which is being manipulated to create and move this reality.  And in my theory this perfected substance has a life cycle moving from a whole into a division into opposites, the repelling of opposites, the attraction of opposites, the attraction of likes, the repelling of likes, and the reconciliation of opposites back into Oneness.  It is the relationship of the forces (acting uniquely upon the primordial substance) which tie them into one understanding of the whole system.

So yes, I am claiming to have already solved the fundamental problems of science and added several layers of understanding of the function of this reality.  When I say ‘memory is gravity’ or I state ‘sensation is anti-gravity’, I am looking no further for validation than my own body.  The only scientific instrument that can measure or prove what I am saying is your own body.  I look at life from the whole circle of which I AM and you are too.  Too many scientists are driven by the forces of division in an attempt to measure small bits of Eternity for some small gain in understanding instead of seeing and feeling the whole within themselves.

I hope to reveal my Theory of Everything as a diagnostic tool for human organizations.  Our bodies already function based on what I am describing and our human organizations will only come into harmony once enough people see the laws by which our world was created and moves.  Our bodies function from a perfected homeostasis, so should our humanity.   Once we find humanity’s homeostasis, then by deduction when our world is disturbed by energy external to humanity we can actually isolate and analyze the disturbance and learn resilience from our return to humanity’s homeostasis.  

Right now humanity is learning way too slowly how to reconcile and return to homeostasis.  Our scientists with corporate and governmental funding and encouragement keep dividing and dividing knowledge into small and powerful elements without the container of universal wisdom to allow for these secrets to be revealed and harmoniously incorporated into our living world.  We are inviting dis-ease into humanity through division without understanding.  

I am not saying humanity should stop its exploration of the unknown down to the smallest detail.  I am proposing the adoption of bioadministration as the counterbalance and the prevention of disease.  Imagine we had a way to diagnose disease within humanity the way a doctor who understands the human body can diagnose disease.  Bioadministration and its Theory of Everything is the fundamental diagnostic tool a doctor of civilization can use to bring humanity back into homeostasis.


Negentropy of Human Experience


A Primer on Eschatology in Cosmonomics